The research funding is carried out through the following processes and procedures.
EMSU는 각종 국내 외 수학 및 과학 대회들을 지원하였습니다.
EMSU has supports various national and international STEM and Social Sicence competitions.
KSCY 한국청소년 학술대회 경제부분 3등
YRE High School Group – 3rd Place
NHD Middle School Group Performance - 2nd Place
YRE High School Group - 1st Place
YRE Middle School Group 1st Place
Purple Comet Math Meet High School – Mixed School 1st Place
NHD Middle School Group Exhibition 1st Place
HMMT Team Round 4Th Place (November)
Purple Comet Math Meet High School (Large School) - 1ST Place in Korea/3Rd in World
2020 NHD Middle School Group Performance – 1st Place
2020 NHD High School Group Performance – 3rd Place
2020 China CYCC 과학 및 창의력대회 - 금상
장학금 신청은 아래의 서식을 작성하여 정해진 기한 안에 email로 EMSU (에 접수 되어야 합니다. 정보가 불충하거나 요건에 부합되지 않은 경우 별도의 공지 없이 장학금 신청에서 탈락될 수 있습니다. 따라서 반드시 정확한 정보를 제공하여 주시고 정해진 기한 안에 접수하여 주시기 바랍니다.
Applications for scholarships must be submitted to EMSU ( by email within the prescribed deadline by completing the form below. If the information is insufficient or does not meet the requirements, you may be dropped from the scholarship application without notice. Therefore, be sure to provide accurate information and submit it within the prescribed time frame.